
The paper investigates the quantum fluctuating dynamics by using the stochastic generalization of the Madelung quantum-hydrodynamic approach. By using the discrete approach, the path integral solution is derived in order to investigate how the final stationary configuration is obtained from the initial quantum superposition of states. The model shows that the quantum eigenstates remain stationary configurations with a very small perturbation of their mass density distribution and that any eigenstate, contributing to a quantum superposition of states, can be reached in the final stationary configuration. When the non-local quantum potential acquires a finite range of interaction, the work shows that the macroscopic coarse-grained description of the theory can lead to a really classical system. The minimum uncertainty attainable in the stochastic Madelung model is shown to be compatible with maximum speed of transmission of information and interactions. The theory shows that, in the quantum deterministic limit, the uncertainty relations of quantum mechanics are obtained. The connections with the decoherence theory and the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics are also discussed.


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