The Theoretical Value of the Hubble Constant Ho and Unification of the Fundamental Forces of Nature
The Hubble constant Ho represents the speed of expansion of the universe and various cosmological observations and modeling methods were utilized by astronomers for a century to pin down its exact value. Determining Ho from cosmological observations is a long and tedious process requiring highly accurate datasets. To circumvent this need, a simple theoretical approach is introduced in this study which uses the concept of gravitational weakening and seismic-induced recession. As tremors occur among celestial objects, their gravitational fields would also change. This resulted in a fundamental relation of Ho and the computed rate of recession that gives a theoretical value for Ho=69.921 Km/s/Mpc. Using the newly discovered seismic-induced gravitational weakening and time dilation, it is possible that various astrophysical methods using different measurement methods would converge to this theoretical Ho value when cosmological distances and time delay measurements are corrected with the simple formulas we derived. The new model assumes that, as quakes occur in celestial objects, luminosity-induced acceleration and high-energy collision of protons and electrons may produce a massive number of neutrinos, quarks and other subatomic particles. Furthermore, the fine structure constant was found to be inversely proportional to Ho-squared and that the fine-structure constant obtained in this study gives a new physical interpretation of α. New relations for the speed of light, orbital velocity, gravitational force and the Hubble constant were further derived from the new recession constant using approximate relations for the Newtonian and electric force constant. This resulted in a modified gravitational law that is both repulsive and attractive and a theoretical explanation of the phenomenon of light-induced gravitation analogous to the electromagnetic force where photon is the force-carrier. Finally, the fundamental forces of gravitation, electromagnetism and strong nuclear force are now unified.
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