
In the paper it is shown that quenching in slow agitated water salt solution of optimal concentration and in low concentration of inverse solubility polymers is intensive quenching creating maximal temperature gradients at the beginning of cooling. The evidence to support such idea were collected by analyzing quenching process in liquid media where any film boiling process was completely absent. In this case, surface temperature at the beginning of cooling drops closely to saturations temperature of a liquid within the interval 1–2 seconds, independently on nature of water solution, and then during transient nucleate boiling process maintains at the level of boiling point of a liquid which is often called self–regulated thermal process. The computer modeling of such cooling processes provided Kondrat’ev numbered Kn which are strongly linear function of time. At the beginning of cooling Kondrat’ev number is almost equal to 1 while average Kondrat’ev number Kn≥0.8. According to US Patent, intensive quenching starts when Kn=0.8. Based on achieved results, it is possible to perform intensive quenching in slow agitated of low concentration water salt and polymer solutions, usually initiated by hydrodynamic emitters. Along with liquid agitation, emitters generate resonance wave effect which destroys film boiling processes making cooling very uniform and intensive. The proposed IQ process works perfectly when martensite starts temperature Ms>Ts. If saturation temperature TsMs, intensive austempering process via cold liquids can be successfully performed to replace slow cooling of molten salts and alkalis by intensive quenching in liquid media.


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