Quench Process and Steel Chemistry Optimization to Prevent Quench Cracking during Hardening of Splined Semi – Axles
In the paper the hardening process of splined semi-axles is discussed and physics of preventing the quench crack formation during intensive quenching (IQ) is explained. It is shown that during IQ process at the splined cylindrical surface very high compressive current band residual stresses are formed which prevent the possibility of quench crack formation on splines. It is enough to optimize the stress distribution through the section of semi-axle and perform IQ process in order to prevent quench cracks formation in splines. It is achieved via optimizing depth of surface hardened layer. In this case the depth of surface hardened layer for cylinders and for cylinders with splines are the same. There is no need to create a special thin shell on splines or perform carburization to create such shell. Due to larger martensite specific volume, it results in surface compressive residual stress formation. Absence of martensite phase at the core eliminates core swelling that could be a reason in tensile surface stresses. The idea is supported by FEM calculations and testing of real semi-axles in industrial condition. The new idea simplifies cardinally technological process and makes it less costly.
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