
We have proposed several new rules for the description of events in the microworld. We have newly defined the interpretation of the quantum spin as the angular momentum curvature and defined the geometry of helixes and toroidal helixes of quantum particles. Some new properties of quantum particles can be experimentally tested. Based on this concept we have defined the electron g-factor as the ratio of the toroidal torsion and curvature and events between the electron and its coupling photon. From this model we have extracted the values of the fine-structure constant α and the Planck constant h. The comparison of these values with the latest experimental data reveals some possible circular arguments in the experimental determination – the so-called SI barrier created by the fixing of the SI constants (SI – International System of Units). We propose on the one side to analyze those possible circular arguments and on the other side to continue to develop new generations of instruments for getting one or two more significant figures of those values h and c. The predictions of this classical model could be compared with the best predictions of QED (quantum electrodynamics) for the fine-structure constant α.


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