
At the greatest distances, what James Webb has already observed, and probably will continue to observe based upon our research, is believed by many to be contrary to mainstream cosmology’s predictions concerning the most distant universe. One of the defining differences between the Big Bang model (BB) and prior steady state models (SS) in general was that SS models proposed that the observable universe was unchanging in its general appearance. But an unchanged appearance is what many now believe the James Webb is presently observing. In the decade of the 1960’s, observations were believed to contradict a steady-state universe in that quasars and radio galaxies were only observed at great distances, none close by, and that the universe of galaxies, according to mainstream theory then, first began roughly 11.6 billion years ago. But in time, some of the believed advantages of Big Bang cosmology have become questionable based upon more recent observations. What was predicted before the James Webb went up seems to be continuously contradicted by James Webb observations. Instead, some believe that what we are observing with James Webb at the greatest distances appears to be very similar to the Hubble Deep field photos, and also similar to pictures looking inside local galaxy clusters, as would be expected if the observable universe were in a generally unchanging condition. This research study will explain the dozens of continuing problems of Big Bang cosmology, while it’s claimed advantages are no longer as clear. On the other hand, the alternative cosmology being presented has never experienced contradictions or added ad hoc hypothesis after many decades. Readers will decide whether Big Bang cosmology is being contradicted by the newest observations, whether the alternative cosmology being offered is much less problematic, and whether the many predictions of each cosmology is being confirmed or contradicted by the James Webb and other distant universe observations.


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