
Dynamic universe model’s SITA simulations can be used to solve many problems in physics, chemistry, Biology etc. The Dynamic Universe Model is based on Newtonian gravitation and finds the total attractive force of all masses in a combined way on any single mass. This SITA approach provides accurate results from the Universe level down to the Galaxy, Solar System, Earth, Electron, Energy, and even Nanobio Particle levels. Our thinking and exploration should not be limited to just 2-body problem and Universe model limited to cosmology in Physics. A small software program (SITA) takes your thinking to:

- What are the inherent properties of inter-molecular attraction forces?

- How does the Galaxy balance its rotations of stars?

- Why did the Pioneer satellite have an irregular movement?

- Why there are so many blue shifted Galaxies in the universe?

- What is the structure of Galaxy center which will be stable and can support full Galaxy?

- How insolvable contaminations in water or in any other liquids diffuse?

- What happens to all the energy emitted by sun and other stars and Galaxies?

- How local system of Galaxies balance each other?

- How are electrons or positrons generated in the universe?

- Exploring galaxy rotation curves

- Can these be explained…the Origin, Propagation and Uniformity of CMB??

- How hydrogen atoms and other atoms are formed?

- How are three states of water (H2O) formed?

- How astronomical Jets are formed?

- How are the mathematical equations proved?

- What about SINGULARITIES in the software and in the Model?


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