
There were derived many forms of the Planck distribution function (PDF) since its discovery by Planck in 1900 and formulae for the positions of Wien´s peaks in those distributions. There are published many attempts searching for the quantum gravity model. In this presented model we work with concept of fusion of two Solar photons into one graviton inside of atoms. The PDF and Wien´s peak for graviton number distribution was presented. The formula for the description of the graviton momentum distribution was derived. Three tests are proposed to estimate the reality of this model. The first test searches for the dependence of the Solar gravitational constant on the value of the Rydberg constant of atoms used in the source masses. There were collected experimental data for the big G value during the last decade and the confirmation of this prediction is promising. The second test should analyze the influence of temperature of other central stars on the gravitation events in those surroundings. The third test should explore the effect of the magnitude of the graviton momentum in other Stellar Systems on gravitational effects in those systems. This could be a new way to remove fitting data with the introduction of models with “dark matter”. We have summarized the known forms of the PDF and positions of Wien´s peaks in order to search some hidden properties in those mathematical structures. It will be shown that these very well-known formulae to all scholars might still keep some hidden surprising properties.


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