Solar Gravitational Radiation Reflected on the Hydrogen Wall might explain the Pioneer Anomaly: Do Mirrors for Gravitational Radiation Exist?
The Hydrogen wall found in the Voyager 1 data was modeled as the spherical mirror reflecting the Solar gravitational radiation back to the Solar System. A similar proposal appeared in the forgotten publication of Jaumann in 1912. The formula describing the anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11 towards the Sun was derived. The decreasing temperature in the Solar System decreases slightly the mass of both Pioneers 10 and 11 as it was predicted by Einstein in 1907. The experimental value for both Pioneers was published as ap = (8.74 ± 1.33) * 10-10 ms-2. This new model predicts the value of the anomalous acceleration towards the Sun as ap = (8.50 – 0.0106 * x) * 10-10 ms-2 AU-1 where x is the distance of Pioneers from the Sun in astronomical unit AU. The annual amplitude visible in the Pioneer data (~ 1.6 *10-10 ms-2) was interpreted as the reflection of the Earth´s gravitational radiation from the surface of the Sun – the Earth´s self-gravitational effect with the predicted value 1.49 * 10-10 ms-2. The diurnal amplitude visible in the Pioneer anomaly (~ 3 * 10-12 ms-2) was interpreted as the result of Newton´s third law – for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction between the Sun and the Earth: the diurnal amplitude was derived as 3.05 * 10-12 ms-2. It will be very helpful to get more experimental data from the next missions towards the Termination shock, the Hydrogen wall using the spacecraft of the type Voyager and Pioneer.
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