Radiation Induced Defects and Thermoluminescence Characteristics in Eu, Dy and Eu/Dy Doped-Quartz Sol-Gel by 2 Gy Beta and 2 MeV ⁴He⁺ Irradiations
Thermoluminescence (TL) of pure and Eu3+ and Dy3+ doped synthesis quartz was synthesized and their ion beam and thermoluminescence properties were investigated. The as prepared, doped and co-doped quartz and the effects of imparting 2 Gy beta dose and 2MeV 4He+ ion beam irradiation is investigated. The basic model proposed and can explain our observations is that, the dominant signals from the as prepared material arise from the incorporation of the transitions within the RE dopants enhanced by the intensity from the intrinsic or host defect sites within the synthesis quartz network. The complex shape TL glow curves indicate that irradiation causes major distortions to the lattice with the incorporation of extrinsic impurities and RE doping processes, induce perturbations and alter the energy levels pattern of the free ions and assigned transitions probabilities in a manner that that depends on the dopants, their concentrations and the host material. The larger Eu ions stabilize the emission more than that of the Dy ions. The TL peak temperatures are commonly correlated via charge transfer processes and scale with the ions size, in such a manner that the close proximity (or shallow traps) allows lower temperature electron release, whereas the more distant variants (deep traps) are less distorted, but are still able to couple to the higher energy orbitals of the Eu ions.
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