The Cosmic Black Hole as a Solution of the Relativistic Quantum Mechanical DIRAC Equation
For many physicists, Albert Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity is the top of Physics. A whole new concept, based on a flexible Space-Time Continuum. A wonderful New and Original insight in the Origins of Space and Time. But nowadays physics requires more than a fundamental theory about Space and Time.
The Mathematical foundation for a “Quantum Mechanical Model of the Black Hole” is based on a 10-dimensional Space-Time Continuum. This article has been written in projections of a 10-Dimensional Space-Time Continuum within an easier to understand 4-Dimensional Space-Time Continuum. For that reason, this theory will not start with “Einstein’s famous Field Equations”, but the start will be at a very fundamental concept in Physics. Isaac Newton’s 3rd law as a fundament in Classical- and Quantum Mechanics.
To make the theory of the “Quantum Mechanical Model of the Black Hole” as much understandable as possible, this article starts with a short comprehension of the theory.
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