How to Relieve the Hubble Constant Tension? (Earth´s Gravitational Redshift + Earth´s Diurnal Aberration)
There were published very precise experimental values of the Hubble constant H0 in the range 66 -74 km/s/Mpc during the last decade. There is a very active discussion in the H0 community how to relieve this Hubble constant tension. In our model we have described the cosmological redshift as the expansion of old photons in the Earth´s gravitational field: the joint effect of the Earth´s gravitational redshift and the Earth´s diurnal aberration. This model predicts the value of the Hubble constant on the surface of the Earth EARTHH0 = 66.71 km/s/Mpc and on the board of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) HSTH0 = 72.34 km/s/Mpc. The value H0 determines the expansion of old photons in the Earth´s gravitational field and not the age of the Universe or the age of that old photon. In order to falsify this model in the spirit of Karl Popper we predict the value of H0 for the surface of the Moon as MOONH0 = 6.62 km/s/Mpc. This experiment for the determination of the value H0 on the Moon´s surface is technically possible with the existing technology during this decade while several advanced countries have plans to realize experiments on the surface of the Moon. This proposed experiment on the surface of the Moon might open a new epoch in the description of our cosmological models.
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