How to Interpret Gravitational Events in the Gravity Probe B Mission? (Gravitational Phonons and Gravitational Deformation Potential)
The Gravity Probe B Mission (GPB) collected valuable experimental data in the years 2004-2005. The geodetic drift in the orbit plane was interpreted as the curvature precession through the space-time curved by the Earth´s mass. The frame-dragging effect was interpreted using the Lense-Thirring-Schiff model based on the dragging of the orbit plane of a satellite around the rotating Earth. Both these effects were visible in the CORRECTED data. The gist of this contribution is to describe these gravitational events as the result of the joint effects of the gravitational deformation potential and the gravitational phonons in the gyroscope rotors. The gravitational phonon velocity is “hidden” in the formula discovered by Albert Einstein in his last Prague´s paper in 1912. Gravitational phonons and the gravitational deformation potential acting on the gyroscope rotors deform slightly the gyroscope rotor geometry and form both observed longitudinal and transverse precessions. This new interpretation of subtle gravitational precessions was tested on the RAW experimental data published by the GPB Team. The observed gravitational events occur in the classical 3D space in this scenario. We propose to re-analyze all GPB data according this classical model without additional corrections. The new Gravity Probe C + D missions might deliver more illustrative data comparing this model with the predictions of the general theory of relativity.
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