
The recent theory of divergent integrations and divergent differentiations of superluminous spaces for new calculus of the objects for applications for new theory for the mechanics of gravity and the coupling of gravity to electromagnetic fields is applied here to recent data for the zero-gravity altering the biological processes of polymerase proteins replicating DNA for inducing misreadings and mistakes during reproduction for gravity affecting life and cancer. This paper presents new mode for coupling classical to quantum mechanics by gravity. The gravitational stimulating nuclei, hadrons and leptons for hidden drive of dynamics in matter for causing life is outlined. Alterations of gravity and relative motions for altering these dynamics for disease are shortly reviewed. The irrational, fractional superluminous nature of gravity is shown to manifest its nature and action; the distinct coupling of null NMMs relative to nonzero NMMs is given and moreover the different couplings of positive and negative NMMs and combinations thereof are given. The 1H, 14N, and 31P stable isotopes and the almost 100% relative abundances of their positive NMMs are noted to play roles in the origin and development of life and the manifestation of life by the action of gravity on these nano-domains of nonzero NMMs for manifesting ferromagnetism for all positive or all negative NMMs and/or antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetism of mixed positive and negative NMMs. The uniquenesses of the second-row elements for life and hydrogen are considered. New phenomena by radio waves and the NMMs in elements of heaters and radio wave sources are considered and possibility of life creating radio waves. Some use of this theory for gravity upon nano-domains of NMMs for modeling many systems are noted.


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